تقويم جودة مهارات التدريس لدى معلمي الصفوف الأولى من وجهة نظرهم

تقويم جودة مهارات التدريس لدى معلمي الصفوف الأولى من وجهة نظرهم

م.م. شفاء حسين وارد

جامعة ميسان / كلية التربية الأساسية


The study aimed  to evaluate the quality of teaching skills from the perspective of the first-grade teachers. The research sample consisted of (60) first-grade teachers in Maysan governorate, (28) male and (32) female teachers. The researcher prepared a tool consisting of a set of evaluation criteria amounting to (50 paragraphs) distributed over four skill areas, namely (planning, implementation, evaluation, communication) in teaching. After checking the validity and stability of the tool, it was applied to the research sample and data processing statistically. The study concluded that the teaching skills of first grade teachers are not high, and their arrangement was the first, according to the data obtained (the skill of implementing the lesson). After that (communication skill in teaching) was the second, followed by (teaching planning skill) which was the  third, and (assessment skill) ranked fourth. The results showed that there are no differences among teachers of first grades according to the gender variable in skills (planning, implementation and evaluation) and there is only a difference in the skill (communication in teaching) in favor of males, also no statistically significant differences among first-grade teachers according to experience in teaching.In light of these results,the researcher suggested several recommendations and suggestions


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