قيادة الجودة الشاملة وتأثيرها في القيم الاقتصادية السياحية دراسة تطبيقية في هيئة السياحة

قيادة الجودة الشاملة وتأثيرها في القيم الاقتصادية السياحية دراسة تطبيقية في هيئة السياحة

نورس كامل وناس

أ.م.د. تغريد سعيد حسن

الجامعة المستنصرية / كلية العلوم السياحية


Leaders seek to improve their work by providing the products and services that individuals wish to obtain. This has led to an increase in the adoption of the TQM by leaders in the tourism sector in the world. The tourism industry has played a major role in the continued development of countries towards economic well-being. Therefore, leaders in the tourism sector realized that the tourism economic organizations are supposed to enjoy a culture of total quality in them in order to increase competition and obtain a greater market share. Therefore, tourism organizations need talented people and thinkers who are capable of presenting proposals that serve the sector. These individuals, who have the abilities and personal qualities that qualify them, are chosen to be supportive of the organization. These steps give the products and service an economic value appropriate to the amount of work, effort and time spent in producing them. The tourism organization has access to them, and these services and products contribute to create a positive impression and good interaction between the tourist and the organization, because it is the ability of the staff to deal with multiple types of tourists.


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