أنموذجًاTRT–القنوات التلفزيونية كأداة من أدوات القوة ناعمة   

أنموذجًاTRTالقنوات التلفزيونية كأداة من أدوات القوة ناعمة   

عدي محمود جعارنة

جامعة سلجوق / كلية الإعلام / قسم الإذاعة والتلفزيون والسينما


Since its emergence as a term in 1990, soft power has become a major source of state power, and a major method of foreign policy, adopted to achieve the goals it seeks. This power depends mainly on political culture, values ​​and practices at home and abroad, and expresses itself through cultural programmes, media, NGOs ( Non-Governmental Organizations) and others. The emergence of soft power contributed to adding new power to countries, especially those that succeeded in combining their hard and soft powers in what is known as “smart power”, and thus were able to achieve many of their goals.

The study aimed to dissect this theory in terms of knowing its origin and historical development before and after the emergence of the term, indicating the most important sources on which this force depends and the most famous methods used in the process of attraction and influence, which are the mainstay of this force, in addition to showing the importance of this force and its great ability to achieve the goals of countries. The study showed the importance of the media, especially television channels, in enhancing the soft power of any country, in addition to showing the importance of the Turkish TRT series of channels for the state of Turkey.