المقصد التداولي لحرف الجر (إلى) في القرآن الكريم

المقصد التداولي لحرف الجر (إلى) في القرآن الكريم

الباحث: علي محسن حكيم

أ.م.د. واثق غالب هاشم

كلية التربية/ الجامعة المستنصرية

Abstract :

This research is a procedural reading from the pragmatic point of view of the significance of the preposition (to) in the Qur’anic structures that included this letter, and what it performs in these structures of verbal verbs that represent the intent of speech, and what it may involve of an effective act, by using the deliberative approach that It is characterized by the depth of the analysis and the diversity of the tributaries and tools for achieving the purposes.

Keywords: intent, pragmatic, semantics, grammar, preposition.