اقامة المعارض في المتاحف وتأثيرها في تنشيط السياحة الثقافية

اقامة المعارض في المتاحف وتأثيرها في تنشيط السياحة الثقافية

الباحثة .أميرة حمود حسن

 أ.م.د. كاظم شامخ محسن

كلية العلوم السياحية / الجامعة المستنصرية


The museum is an educational, pedagogic and cultural institution that was established to serve the community. And it is not just a constructed building that contains collectibles artifacts, but is considered one of the important sources for the exchange of cultures between peoples, the museum has Importance in protecting and preserving heritage and is one of the best places to display artifacts and It contributes to the development of artistic taste and aesthetic sense for what it represents a means of attracting tourists at the local and international levels by making it a witness on the civilizations that have been ends and a record of the events that occurred, we find there is an importance in this cultural facility to preserving the various knowledge and sciences that are the product of society over the centuries and years and transfer it to communities in order to solidify belonging to it, The existence of the nation and its entity is linked to the existence of its culture and the museum exhibits as collectibles considered as the language that he speaks to his visitors. The main objective behind the display is to activate the cultural role of the public. The exhibits are the basis of the museum entity, which has an impact on all senses through the interaction of the visitor with the exhibits.