تصميم أنظمة التحكم والتحكم في المنازل الذكية باستخدام المنصات

تصميم أنظمة التحكم والتحكم في المنازل الذكية باستخدام المنصات

ا.د. راضيه عسگرنژاد

كرار نجاح عباس

 حسن عبد الأزل عبد الرزاق

مرتضى احمد جابر

علي عباس جاسم

قسم هندسة الحاسوب / جامعة آزاد الإسلامية / فرع أصفهان (خراسجان) / أصفهان – إيران


Now a days, home automation has succeeded, day after day is becoming easier in line for the quick growth of technology. Practically the whole thing has come to be digitalized and automatic. In this article, a method for interconnecting sensors, actuators, and other data sources with the determination of various home automations is projected. The system is called q Toggle and the mechanism of it depends on the leveraging the power of a flexible and powerful Application Programming Interface (API), that characterizes the foundation of a simple and public communication scheme. The procedures used by q Toggle are usually sensors or actuators with an upstream network connection implementing the q Toggle API. Most devices are built on ESP8266/ESP8285 chips and/or on Raspberry Pi boards. A smartphone application has been technologically advanced that gives users the ability to control a series of home appliances and sensors. The q Toggle system is user friendly, flexible, and can be extra advanced by using changed devices and add-ons.

Keywords: Internet of Things; home automation; smart homes; sensors