في مركز التشخيص / مستشفى كركوك العام / العراقESRDلمحة عامة عن نوعية الحياة بين المرضى الذين يعانون من مرض الكلى في نهاية المرحلة

(ESRD)لمحة عامة عن نوعية الحياة بين المرضى الذين يعانون من مرض الكلى في نهاية المرحلة

في مركز التشخيص / مستشفى كركوك العام / العراق

ولدان كامل احمد القطان

د. سهيلة شمس الدين طاهر

م. اسراء عصام وحيد الدين

دائرة الصحة كركرك


The aim of the research is to know the quality of life for patients with chronic kidney disease, by knowing the monthly income, the patient’s family members, educational level,  dialysis times , and the causeswhich  led to  cronic kidney disease.

The study included individuals who attend Kirkuk General Hospital for dialysis, whose ages ranged from (19-79).

Our study showed an increase in infection rates among individuals with primary education and individuals with low incomes.

It also showed that people who suffer from diabetes mainly are more likely to develop kidney disease in its last stages, followed by people who suffer from high blood pressure

Keywords: ESRD, CKD, End Stage Renal Disease Chronic kidney disease.