staphylococcus aureusالمشخصة جزئيا والمعزولة من حالات مرضية على بكتريا المكورات العنقودية الذهبية Pseudomonasaeruginosaدراسة تاثير صبغة البايوسيانين المستخلصة من بكتريا الزوائف الزنجارية

المشخصة جزئيا والمعزولة من حالات مرضية Pseudomonasaeruginosaدراسة تاثير صبغة البايوسيانين المستخلصة من بكتريا الزوائف الزنجارية

 Staphylococcus aureusعلى بكتريا المكورات العنقودية الذهبية

م.م. دعاء غازي أحمد

كلية الحدباء الجامعة / قسم تقنيات المختبرات الطبية

د. حسن فيصل حسين

قسم علوم الحياة / كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة / جامعة الموصل

د. غازي أحمد خضر

دبلوم عالي في طب الأسرة / مركز نينوى لتأهيل المعاقين / دائرة صحة نينوى


Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria that moves with a polar flagellum. It is a common bacterium that spreads in the environment and its distinguishing feature is the production of pigments on the culture medium, and therefore it took its name from this characteristic and was called Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It causes many diseases in humans, including otitis media, diabetic foot and poisoning Blood and endocarditis. The ten selected samples that produced the most molecular staining were also diagnosed to detect the 16S rRNA gene. It was observed after DNA extraction and amplification by PCR and using primers specific to the 16S rRNA gene. The presence of packages when the samples were transferred to the electrophoresis device. Evidence for the presence of a gene in the collection of isolates as a result of Its association with a specialized sequence of primers that targeted it. The pyocyanin dye was extracted in the laboratory and for each isolate separately.(The most dye-producing) and their weights were close to each other. The effect of pyocyanin dye on gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus was studied at different concentrations, as the concentration was 1mg/ml and 6.25mg/ml were the two selected concentrations for Staphylococcus aureus.

Keywords: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pyocyanin, Staphylococcus aureus