في بعض المعايير الفسلجية والميكروبية  في الجرذان المعرضة للكولستيرولBacillus licheniformisتاثير بكتريا

  في بعض المعايير الفسلجية والميكروبية  في الجرذان المعرضة للكولستيرولBacillus licheniformisتاثير بكتريا

مينا حاتم مهدي

ياسمين إسماعيل خليل

قسم علوم الأغذية /كلية الزراعة / جامعة تكريت


The study aimed to know the effect of adding two types of Bacillus licheniformis to reduce the negative effect of cholesterol added to the ration by 2% of the weight of the ration on the values ​​of liver enzymes ALT, AST and ALP and kidney functions represented by urea and creatinine, as well as the microbial balance in the intestine in male laboratory rats after a period of 28 days. In this study, 15 adult male Albino Sprague- Dawleyweanling rats of 8-9 weeks of age and average weight of 142 g were used. The animals were randomly distributed into 3 groups and in each group 5 animals. The results showed that the addition of cholesterol caused a significant increase at (P<0.05) in the values ​​of liver enzymes ALT, AST and ALP, as they were at (74, 56 and 231) IU/liter compared with the control group (42, 26 and 186) units. I/L respectively. The results showed an increase in urea and creatinine concentrations compared with the control group. The results also showed an increase in the total number of Salmonella bacteria and E. coli and a significant decrease in the total number of lactic acid bacteria compared with the control group.

The addition of Bacillus licheniformisbacteria with cholesterol had a significant effect in reducing the negative effect of cholesterol on all the above-measured parameters.

Keywords: B. licheniformis cholesterol, liver enzymes, renal function, microbial balance.