الأطفال المصابون بمتلازمة التوحد: نوعية الحياة ومتعلقات العلاج

الأطفال المصابون بمتلازمة التوحد: نوعية الحياة ومتعلقات العلاج

زينب عبد الأمير محمود ألخالدي

ا.م.د. هــديل فاضل فرهود

كلية الطب / جامعة بابل


This study was conducted to assess quality of life and management concerns in children with autism.This is a descriptive cross sectional study, involving 91 autistic children (71 males and 20 females).It was conducted in the specialized centers for autism in Iraq.Mean age of those children was 8.56±1.23 year. Younger children (3-8 years of age), those children with regular visits to primary health care centers and those children whose mothers were young at time of child birth (<35 years) had significantly better quality of life scores with p-values of <0.001, 0.012 and 0.005, respectively, whereas, children whose mothers having chronic illness, had significantly worse quality of life (P=0.026). Younger children (3-8 years of age) had significantly better physical functioning score (P=0.016), also young children and those who ranked the first according to birth order had better total Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist score (P=0.035).

Conclusion:Child birth at young age, freeness of chronic illness and normal vaginal delivery and regular visits to primary health care centers made the autistic child quality of life better. Being young child, ranking the first, lack of chronic illness by mother during child birth and regular visits to primary health care centers are significant predictors of better Autism Checklist Evaluation Treatment scores.

Key wards: Autism,ATEC, PedQol