التطبيقات النانوية في المجال الطبي

التطبيقات النانوية في المجال الطبي

محمد ياس خضير

قسم الفيزياء الطبية / كلية العلوم / جامعة الموصل


Nanotechnology is one of the most important technologies today and in the future and has become at the forefront of the most important fields in all fields of science because of its importance in improving products, treating diseases and serving humanity in all areas of life, in addition to giving great hope for future scientific revolutions in physics, chemistry and science.  Biology, engineering, etc.  Therefore, it is necessary to work on taking advantage of the distinct properties of nanomaterials in bringing about innovations and inventions that change humanity in the fields of peace, demobilization and facilitation of life, in addition to getting rid of malignant diseases for which science has not reached today for a radical treatment and many other services. In the medical field, the principle of nanodiagnostics depends on the use of  Nano-devices for early detection and preparedness of diseases at the cellular and molecular level.  Nanomedicine is also able, through the use of specific nano-devices, to increase the accuracy of diagnostic methods that use human fluid and tissue samples, and to benefit from this in performing many important analyzes at the sub-cellular level.

Nanomedicine also aims to create devices capable of examining the human body for early detection of diseases, and to measure and deal with the amount of toxic particles and cancer cells inside it Nano imaging enables researchers and doctors to track any movement that occurs in living tissue inside the human body.  And doctors here can accurately identify the movement of the drug within the diseased tissue.

Since nanotechnology is the focus of science today, we hope that interest in it will increase in Iraq, and our country will become one of the countries most striving to research this technology and its newness so that we can catch up with the scientific progress and unleash the scientific energies and minds in the country to prove their worth and efficiency