غسيل الكلى البريتوني الحاد عند الأطفال (الدلالة والمضاعفات)

غسيل الكلى البريتوني الحاد عند الأطفال (الدلالة والمضاعفات)

د. علي عدنان نبات

د. عباس خضير عباس الواسطي

د. احمد عدنان نبات

وزارة الصحة / بغداد العراق


Background: acute kidney injury represents a rapid decline in renal function sufficient to increase blood levels of nitrogenous wastes and impair fluid and electrolyte balance The management of the patient with AKI requires meticulous attention to fluid, acid-base, and electrolyte balance, as well as the removal of uremic toxins. PD is an overlooked procedure for dialytic support in AKI as it is primarily used for the treatment of patients with ESRD. The aim of this study was to review the Indications and complications Acute peritoneal dialysis.

Method: A descriptive study was performed in pediatric central teaching hospital in Baghdad City on fifty-ninecases was admitted for peritoneal dialysis for different reasons.

Results: show that the pre renal causes of PD was the most common cause which represent more than sixty percent followed by chronic renal failure and other causes, acute gastroenteritis as a cause of renal failure is most commonly seen in the first four years of life while calculi mostly seen after age of two years, sepsis is seen in the first two years of life,  Catheter blockage was the most common complication followed by bleeding and other complications, Indications for acute peritoneal dialysis in the study group uremic symptom and  oliguria was the most common indications , male to female incidence is nearly equal.

Conclusion : PD was the most common causeof CKD, chronic renal failure, acute gastroenteritis, sepsis and catheter blockage was the most common complication followed by bleeding and other complications.