المتغيرات الدولية والإقليمية في الشرق الأوسط وتأثيرها على التحالف التاريخي بين سوريا وإيران من عام (1979 الى 2014)

المتغيرات الدولية والإقليمية في الشرق الأوسط وتأثيرها على التحالف التاريخي بين سوريا وإيران من عام (1979 الى 2014)

ا.م.د. نزار كريم جواد الربيعي

وزارة التربية / الكلية التربوية المفتوح


The relations of foreign countries are measured with each other according to the vision of the extent of the interaction and behavior of the state with the other, and these relations are affected by the strength or weakness of the state’s structure. Regional developments and changes in the Middle East and with the presence of the external influence represented in the American-Russian, each trying to search for its interests in the East at the expense of all .

This is what prompted both Syria and Iran to change their alliance to strong relations in order to avoid the risks and difficulties that might occur about these events and changes in the Middle East region in particular and the global system in general.

The past events effectively contributed to flooding the Middle East region with many variables, whether the Iraqi-Iranian war, the first and second Gulf wars, and then sectarian conflicts. All these events effectively changed the political map of regional and global powers and resulted in alliances and regional roles, the most prominent of which was the political dimension of Syrian relations. This is what was highlighted in this research in order to arrive at a historical and political vision for the dimensions of this relationship.