وراثة المقدرة الاتحادية والفعل الجيني للجيل الثاني في حنطة الخبز وفق التهجين التبادلي النصفي

وراثة المقدرة الاتحادية والفعل الجيني للجيل الثاني في حنطة الخبز وفق التهجين التبادلي النصفي

ماجد جليل رشيد البياتي

أ.د.احمد هواس عبد الله انيس

جامعة تكريت / كلية الزراعة / قسم المحاصيل الحقلية


Six varieties (parents) of bread wheat were used in this study (Aba 95, Al-Rasheed, Abu Ghraib, Jihan, Tammuz 2, and addna), obtained from the Department of Seed Examination and Certification – Salah El-Din Branch of the Ministry of Agriculture,the hybrids of the second generation of their number (15) is a hybrid obtained from the Department of field crops, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tikrit, planted varieties parental six glow of their interactive midterm (second generation) in the third week of the month of November (2021), and using randomized block design full (RCBD) Three replications, and examined the performance and components of variance phenotypic and genetic parameters, training and education, internal(second-generation) page: number of panicles plant and number of grains for weight of 1000 grains and plant individual and continue to biological and manual harvest, and summarize the most important results are the following:- it was the best average account of the parent (2) and paste the number of ears plant (12.500) spike be -, and the parent (3) to the page with the biological status (71.333) g be -, and hybrid(2×3) page number of panicles plant (11.833) spike be – and continue to biological (78.767) G NT -, and hybrid(1×4) and paste holds the plant individual (31.267) g be -, it was already the genetic sovereign of the more influential of the act gene overtime, contrast, genetic top of biodiversity loss studied all of them, the heritability in the broad sense of high tension event in the narrow sense of state and the degree of sovereignty is greater than one (Super) all the traits under study, showed the hybrids (1×6) and(4×5) page holds individual plant and continue to biological guide to getting and(3×5) Page holds individual plant guide to harvesting, and(1×3) for the weight of 1000 grains and plant individual. It is possible to achieve measures aimed at understanding the nature of the inheritance of these qualities and how to transfer them from one generation to another to stand up to the most important qualities that can be installed for later multiplication, and follow up the work of superior hybrids compared to parents and take advantage of them starting from this generation and the next to achieve the desired goal.

Key words: bread wheat, cross-hybridization, federal ability, genetic action.