دالة إنتاج القمح في محافظة نينوى للموسم الزراعي 2019-2020 للمناطق غير مضمونة الإمطار

دالة إنتاج القمح في محافظة نينوى للموسم الزراعي 2019-2020 للمناطق غير مضمونة الإمطار

الباحث : محمد عبد الكريم احمد الحسيني

ا.م.د . ايمان مصطفى رشاد

جامعة الموصل / كلية الإدارة والاقتصاد / قسم الاقتصاد


The function of wheat production is one of the important methods in analyzing the components of the production process, by showing the extent of the impact and contribution of each element of production, and that the production of the wheat crop is one of the important and necessary agricultural activities in Iraq in general and in Nineveh Governorate in particular.As the production of this crop in Nineveh Governorate is of great relative importance, given that Nineveh Governorate is the largest in production of wheat and other crops, and studies specialized in estimating production functions are among the important studies in agricultural economics.  This is for its important role in the field of research and estimation of parameters of functions for use in farm experiments.  And that the importance of the research emerges through the importance of estimatingThe function of wheat production, because it is one of the important means by which it is possible to know the extent of the influence of factors of production on the total production.  Multiple circumstances, so were the conditions of the reality in which we live, or were it costs or labor? As for the hypothesis of the research, it is that there are overlapping relationships between capital and labor and total production and the extent of their impact on total production, whether that effect was positive or negative, and the message concluded that there is a significant impact  From the numbers of workers and items of capital on the reality of agricultural production for this crop and the severity of these effects on the level of production in areas that are   not guaranteed rain

Keywords : ( Total production, Labor, Capital)