دور الوسائل التحقيقية في تكوين قناعة القاضي الإداري (دراسة مقارنة)

دور الوسائل التحقيقية في تكوين قناعة القاضي الإداري (دراسة مقارنة)

الباحثة زينب سعيد جاسم

ا.د. عامر زغير محيسن

جامعة ميسان / كلية القانون

Abstract :

It is customary in the field of private law, and specifically within the

scope of the civil procedure law, the behavior of the legislator by defining the methods of proof and obligating the judge to follow them.  The special means of the administrative case, and as a result, the means of writing, inspection, experience and testimony as evidence of proof vary in strength in the field of clarifying the conviction of the administrative judge in the case he is looking into, so the means of writing is the most powerful means in working to form the conviction of the administrative judge and show it in the most complete way.