حقوق الطفل في تركيا والعراق

حقوق الطفل في تركيا والعراق

هيرش عبد الرحمن احمد طالباني

كلية القانون /قسم قانون العام / جامعه سلجوق


Childhood history is a rich and growing field that reveals much about past societies, but also reveals the connections between past conditions and current issues and trends. Child law basically aims to protect children within the framework of the family and society within the scope of norms and rules and to support the weak child. Children’s law tries to ensure that children live in environments where they can protect themselves, away from dangerous situations with the legal order. Children and young people have the same general human rights as adults, but also special rights that recognize their special needs. Children are neither the property of their parents nor a weak charity. They are human and subject to their own rights. The Convention on the Rights of the Child sets out the rights that must be realized for children to develop to their full potential. The Convention provides a vision as an individual with rights and responsibilities appropriate to the child’s age and stage of development, and as a member of a family and community. By recognizing the rights of the child in this way, the Convention focuses on the child as a whole. In this study, the development of children’s rights in the legal systems of Turkey and Iraq will be examined in parallel with the developments in international la