الملكية الفكرية وعلاقتها بنقل تكنولوجيا في ماليزيا

الملكية الفكرية وعلاقتها بنقل تكنولوجيا في ماليزيا

الباحث : سيف الدين مهند عبد القادر الصراف

أ.د. أنمار أمين البرواري

جامعة الموصل / كلية الإدارة والاقتصاد / قسم الاقتصاد


The issue of intellectual property is one of the topics of great importance in contemporary economies, whose importance has increase with scientific and technical progress in various fields, as the term intellectual property includes all the creations and inventions produced by the human mind, as the development and progress of countries depends on it. The protection of intellectual property rights is one of the main pillars of the modern economy.

Intellectual property rights protection laws and agreements affect the process of technology transfer, as the issue of technology transfer is one of the topics that have received great attention at the international level which is an urgent necessity in light of the knowledge disparity and the industrially advanced countries and developing countries. And given the
importance of technology in achieving industrial development and the development of the country. Many countries and international organizations have rushed to put in place legal frameworks that govern technology transfer.

The research aims to provide a clear picture of the theoretica relationship between intellectual property in technology transfer. And an applied measurement of this relationship according to special standard models for that, making sure to pass all the tests

The research assumes that there is a significant negative causal relationship between each of the independent variables expressed(percentage of spending on research and development, patents and trademarks) and the dependent variable expressed in high-tech imports                  Intangible Effects Of Both The Exchange Rate And The Digital divide On the Competitive Performance Of The Sample Countries The Study .The Results Of The Study Indicate That These Countries Were able To achieve great Economic And Industrial Development, Through Which They Were Able To Acquire A Large Share Of The Market With Some Large International industrial Exports, Especially In The Field Of High-Tech Products. The Study concluded that Competitiveness Is Of Strategic Importance For The Sample Countries, And Competitiveness Became A Criterion For Progress Economy Of The Country.