قياس اثر المتغيرات الاقتصادية الكلية وادراك الفساد في معدلات الفقر: تونس انموذجاً للمدة 2000- 2021

قياس اثر المتغيرات الاقتصادية الكلية وادراك الفساد في معدلات الفقر: تونس انموذجاً للمدة 2000- 2021

الباحث. يونس عامر سالم الجبوري

أ.م.د. عبد الله خضر عبطان السبعاوي

جامعة الموصل / كلية الإدارة والاقتصاد / قسم الاقتصاد


The study aims to diagnose the actual reality of the phenomenon of poverty as a phenomenon with economic, social, political and historical dimensions, and to highlight the various meanings, dimensions and effects left by the phenomenon of poverty, methods and methods of measuring poverty and trying to identify the subjective and objective reasons that govern this phenomenon with citing some international experiences to reduce poverty, and then Determining the patterns adopted by the phenomenon of corruption and its impact on the rise in poverty rates, and identifying the quantitative relationships using the econometric software package Eviews12, and testing the relationships and results using the ARDL model for a 22-year time series that included the period (2000-2021) and for the country of Tunisia. The study reached the following most important results: The variable Expenditure on education is the most contributing variable in explaining the error variance of the poverty rate, followed by the variable of average per capita income, corruption perception index, inflation rate and finally spending on health. Thus, any sudden shock in the two most contributing variables (expenditure on education and average per capita income) will affect the poverty rate.

Keywords : poverty, poverty gap, corruption perceptions