معطيات النقد السيميائي عند منذر عياشي من العلاماتية إلى المنهجية

معطيات النقد السيميائي عند منذر عياشي من العلاماتية إلى المنهجية

الباحثة . نوره أحمد إبراهيم الخميس

أ.د محمد سالم سعد الله

كلية الآداب / جامعة الموصل


Semiotics is considered one of the most important orientations of criticism with which the Arab Syrian critic Munther Ayashi was characterized and distinguished from other critics as it is regarded as analytical procedures and semiotic systems.

Hence, this research was divided into a preface, two sections and a conclusion. The preface was dedicated to manifest the importance of the compliance of the Arabic language with the progress and development. Section one tackled the discrimination between the most important critical semiotic concepts and stating its connotation and uses. As for the second section, it dealt with investigating the most prominent orientations of Munther Ayashi when he studied the semiotic criticism compared to several Arab critics. Then the research was ended with a conclusion that involved the most important findings.

Keywords: semiotics, semiotic systems, orientations,  Munther Ayashi.