إستراتيجية بناء الدولة وأثرها في تنظيم وتطور المجتمع

إستراتيجية بناء الدولة وأثرها في تنظيم وتطور المجتمع

الباحثة. سميرة قاسم حسين
ا.م.د. احمد جاسم مطرود
ا.م.د. وسام صالح عبد الحسين
جامعة بابل / كلية الآداب / قسم علم الاجتماع


Abstract :

The issue of state building is one of the most important topics that researchers in the sociological field have been interested in studying, and the importance of this is due to its role as a strategy in the progress and development of society, which requires through the employment of this building process the adoption of a structural and institutional modernization that moves it from the throes of a failed state to an effective state internally and externally, and this It undoubtedly requires employing all the elements of power, especially the human kind, and employing them through the mechanisms and elaborate planning necessary for the construction process. In other words, the government gives its citizens the opportunity to sharpen their efforts in order to adopt practical ways that support the paths of the construction process, in other words, to harness their potential and their intellectual and spiritual capabilities. The political, religious, social and economic organization of the state and its construction at all levels in a coordinated, tight and precise manner, which ultimately leads to the building of a strong and continuous state capable of facing humanitarian challenges in a realistic manner.

Keywords: Strategy, State, State Building, Society, Society Organization .