انعكاسات المشكلات الاجتماعية على سلوك الشباب

انعكاسات المشكلات الاجتماعية على سلوك الشباب

أ.د. وليد عبد جبر الخفاجي
الباحثة . نرجس علي عبد الحسين
كلية الآداب / جامعة واسط



The study aimed to clarify the repercussions of social problems on the behavior of young people. It also dealt with the problem, knowing the impact of the multiplicity of social problems and their impact on the behavior of society and the individual. Social studies on the subject.

The study came out with the following results:

  • Knowing the topics that you choose about people, their social roles, and the extent of their integration into the life of their society.
  • Knowing the life of a society and its compatibility with the values, standards, standards and conditions entrusted to it.

The most important effective:

deviation statement.

Keywords: social problems, behavior, youth