استخدام اوزان متنوعة لتطوير القوة الانفجارية وتأثيرها في دقة التصويب بكرة السلة

استخدام اوزان متنوعة لتطوير القوة الانفجارية وتأثيرها في دقة التصويب بكرة السلة

أ.د. بان عبد الرحمن ابراهيم

قسم التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة/ كلية التربية الاساسية الجامعة المستنصرية


The use of various weights is one of the training methods for developing muscular strength to perform various sports skills in the field especially in the accuracy of shooting in the game of basketball, where the weight of the body forms a resistance that the internal muscles overcome when performing the movements that occur in the different parts of the body, like arms, legs, and torso. Hence the importance of the research in knowing the effect of using various weights to develop explosive power and extant of its impact on the shooting accuracy of young basketball players. As for the research problem, it was that this type of training did not receive a wide application from the trainers, which in turn develops this important characteristic of the research sample, as for the conclusion of the research, the experimental group achieved a clear development in the physical and skill variables due to the training curriculum using the various weights in the research.