في العراق(Triticum durum Desf)تأثير مواعيد البذار في النمو والحاصل ومكوناته للأصناف الشائعة والمدخلة من الحنطة الخشنة
أري سليمان البرواري
باحث في ديوان وزارة الزراعة والموار المائية / مديرية البحوث والارشاد / أربيل
أ.د. عبد الستار أسمير الرجبو
في كلية الزراعة والغابات / جامعة الموصل
This study was conducted in 2019/2020 agricultural season in a High rainfall area in Fayda sub-district, Dohuk province.
The field experiment was carried out at Fayda location with two factors,1st the durum wheat varieties cultivated in Iraq, and the 2nd factor was the sowing date in two levels: early sowing before the fall of first heavy effective rain and late sowing after the fall of the first heavy effective rain .
The most important results obtained can be summarized as follows:
- The first early sowing date achieved a significant superiority in most of the rates of the yield traits and its components over the second sowing date.
- The durum wheat varieties (Sham 9, Semeto, Erbil 3) were distinguished by achieving the highest rate of grain yield compared to the rest of the durum wheat varieties.
- The durum wheat varieties (LDE 357, Saribasak, Iraqi waha, Kardeniya, Atras, Furat 93, Sham 5, Koyakan, Semeto, Sardar) were distinguished by achieving the highest rate of the grain test weight compared to the rest of the durum wheat varieties.
- The durum wheat varieties (Ary, Bakra Jo 1, Erbil, Sevevo, Dor 29) were distinguished by achieving the highest rate protein % in the grains compared to the rest of the durum wheat varieties.