تأثير لون وشكل عليقة فروج اللحم في الصفات الانتاجية وصفات الذبيحة
لؤي عبد الحافظ الحيالي
مديرية الزراعة نينوى / قسم الثروة الحيوانية
نواف غازي عبود التمي
قسم الانتاج الحيواني /كلية الزراعة والغابات/جامعة الموصل
This study was carried out in the poultry field of the Livestock Department/College of Agriculture Forestry/Mosul University. for the period 23/12/2021 – 2/2/2022. One-day of age were used, the chicks were treated as follows:
First:The color treatment from 1-14 days : T1 = (without color), T2 = blue feed treat, T3 = green feed treat , T4 = red feed treat .
Second: color and shape treatments of feed, started from 15-35 day and the treatments were as follows: T1 = crumble control, T2 = pellet control, T3 = blue crumble feed , T4 = blue pellet feed, T5 = green crumble feed, T6 =Green pellet feed , T7 = red crumble feed , 8T = red pellet feed .
The results of the statistical analysis was as follows:
1.Effects of color: was significant increased in green fed for final live body weight,weight gain,feed consumption, production index,European efficiency coefficient, percentages of homogeneity, carcass weight, decrease in abdominal fat and Fabricia gland and there was no significant differences in the feed conversion ratio.
2.Effect of the feed shape: was significant increased in crumble feed in the European efficiency coefficient and a significant increase in the length of the intestines, and there is no significant in the productive and carcass traits.
3.The effects of the interaction: was significant increased for green crumble and pellet feed in body weight, weight gain, feed consumption,production index,European efficiency coefficient and percentages of homogeneity,carcass weight,significant decrease in conversion ratio and abdominal fat and no significant in mortality, dressing and breast.
key word: broiler, color ration, shape ration productive traits, carcass traits