وخليطهما بمكونات العليقة المركزة المصبعة على الصفات البيوكيميائية للدم في الحملان العواسية Eأثر إضافة مسحوق جذور الزنجبيل وفيتامين 

وخليطهما بمكونات العليقة المركزة المصبعة على الصفات البيوكيميائية للدم في الحملان العواسية Eأثر إضافة مسحوق جذور الزنجبيل وفيتامين 

محمد علي غربي العلي

د. مزهر كاظم كعيبر المهداوي

جامعة الموصل/كلية الزراعة والغابات/قسم الانتاج الحيواني

Abstract :

In order to achieve the aim of studying effect of addition ginger roots powder and vitamin E and synergistic interaction between them in components of concentrated feeds made in form of pellets to study hematological and biochemical characteristics of blood of Awassi lambs. A fattening experiment was conducted on Awassi lambs in the sheep breeding hall, Animal Field,Department of Animal Production/College of Agriculture and Forestry ,University of Mosul. Twenty-four of males Awassi lambs were purchased from local market in Mosul city, These animals were homogeneous with average of initial weight (27,250 – 27.525 kg), age (5.5-6 months) and size at the beginning of the fattening experiment. Random and accurate to four feeding treatments at rate of six lambs per treatment. The first treatment included lambs was on free and group feeding to point of saturation on a granular concentrated ration free of feed additives and this was called control ration. While ginger root powder was added at a level of 20 gm/kg dry matter in ingredients of second diet. Also, vitamin E was added at a level of 200 mg/kg in  ingredients of  third diet. As for fourth treatment, a mixture consisting of 20 gm of ginger root powder and 200 mg of vitamin E was added to the components of the fourth ration. The four rations provided to Awassi lambs were nutritionally balanced in level of crude protein (15.59%) and level of energy metabolize (2750 Kcal) during the period fattening; The results of the current study indicated a highly significant (P≤0.01) in rates of Red Blood Cells count (RBC), White Blood Cells (WBC), Hemoglobin level (Hb), Packed cells volume (PCV%) and total blood protein concentrations.The results were in favor of experimental treatments. On the other hand, the results of this study showed a significant decrease (P≤0.05) on concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides and liver enzyme level (ALT) of blood serum of lambs were treated with ginger root powder and vitamin E and their combination compared to the first treatment (control). We conclude from addition of ginger root powder and vitamin E and their mixture together in components of concentrated rations made in form of forage granules (pellet) which led to a significant improvement in activity and vitality of lambs and their growth due to the improvement in health status of Awassi lambs as a resulted from significant decrease in cholesterol, triglyceride and liver enzyme levels (ALT) in blood serum of lambs treated with ginger root powder and vitamin E and their mixture compared to the first treatment (control).k

Key words: ginger roots powder, vitamin E, blood proteins, cholesterol,  triglycerides.