تأثير الاحلال الجزئي لمسحوق الجت كمصدر بروتيني بديلا عن كسبة فول الصويا في الاداء الانتاجي والمحتوى الميكروبي للأمعاء في فروج اللحم

تأثير الاحلال الجزئي لمسحوق الجت كمصدر بروتيني بديلا عن كسبة فول الصويا في الاداء الانتاجي والمحتوى الميكروبي للأمعاء في فروج اللحم

محمد محسن محمد سليم

أ.م.د. ثائر محمد عبد الباقي القدو

قسم الإنتاج الحيواني / كلية الزراعة والغابات / جامعة الموصل


This study was carried out during the period12/23/2021 to 2/2/2022,in poultry Department of Animal Production- College of Agriculture and Forestry/ University of Mosul, unsexed chicks were used at the age of one day, In the 2nd week ,chicks were distributed into three treatments as follows: – T1: standard diet (without added Alfalfa), andreplacedAlfalfa T2:  4%, T3: 7%, T4:10%,The results showed : increased Significant in body weight ,the total weight gain andincreased significant  with improvement of feed conversion in control and with replacement 10%, and  increase in value of the coefficient for the replacement4% and 7%, increase in productivity index in the 6th week for the control and replacement 10%, And increased a significant in of gizzard%, length of the intestine and the right caecum with a decrease in abdominal fat % in 10% compared with  control,a significant decrease in E.coli and Salmonella with an increase of Lactobacillus in replace (7,10)% compared with control.There were no significant differences in production index for the 5th week , carcass,  dressing and in carcass pieces except for the neck. The aim of study was the effect of replacing different proportions of alfalfa as a percentage Protein substituted from total protein for ratio in performance , carcass and intestinemicrobial content.

Keywords: broilers, Alfalfa, productive performance,carcass,microbial intestine.