استعمال مشتقات البترول في ري الحنطة

استعمال مشتقات البترول في ري الحنطة

مرح غانم عبد الرزاق حسن العذيباني

قسم المحاصيل الحقلية / كلية الزراعة والغابات / جامعة الموصل

Abstract  :

In this research, we added one of the petroleum derivatives, which is white oil (kerosene), to the irrigation water with a known and specific percentage of only one irrigation for the wheat field before planting in order to combat the bushes in the field without harming the wheat, which is the main crop, as we considered white oil in this research as a kind of pesticide Because of its rapid and effective effect in eliminating the plant. At the beginning of the research, the percentage of bush presence per unit area was recorded, then the effect of this addition on some growth characteristics of the original crop and its survival rate and presence in the field, as the research shed light on the results of the average number of spikes per unit area, the average plant length to the end of the spines, the number of grains / spike, and the average spike length to The end of the spines and the weight of a thousand grains.

Key words : petroleum – wheat – kerosene.