الماء الممغنط وتطبيقاته في البحوث الزراعية : مقال مراجعة
نادية محمد بشير الشعار
قسم الإنتاج الحيواني كلية الزراعة والغابات/جامعة الموصل
فراس كاظم الجبوري
قسم وقاية النبات كلية الزراعة والغابات/جامعة الموصل
مثنى احمد محمد طيب البدراني
قسم الإنتاج الحيواني كلية الزراعة والغابات/جامعة الموصل
Water is the liquid of life that enters the composition of the bodies of all living organisms and has the highest percentage of chemical components in the living bodies. where all vital actions and metabolic processes depend on its existence. Perhaps the environmental pollution and the excessive use of various electrical appliances lose water many of its natural properties and reduce its effectiveness, which made many studies seek to restore it and evaluate its effectiveness in aspects of animal and plant production. Many researchers have shown the effect of magnetized water on living cells by increasing its absorption capacity and movement within the cells of the body, allowing waste disposal, activating cells and their metabolic processes, and facilitating the passage of ions and chemical compounds that help build body cells. Several studies showed the effect of magnetization of water on increasing animal production, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The magnetization of water also showed its ability to increase plant productivity in terms of the size and shape of leaves, fruits and seeds and to improve the quality of the yield produced. Perhaps the chronological reviews of the research carried out in the field of using magnetized water, both animal and vegetable, shows its importance to researchers in this field.
Key words: magnetized water, milk production, mastitis, vegetative growth, soil fertility.