(دور التعليم والتدريب المهني في التنمية الإقتصادية والإجتماعية ( مراجعة عامة لنتائج الدراسات المحلية والعربية والأجنبية
د. محمد ابو طه
عميد القبول والتسجيل / جامعة بولتيكنك فلسطين
د. اسحق سدر
وزير الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات / جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين
د. خالد قطوف
قسم العلوم الأسرية / جامعة بولتيكنك فلسطين
The aim of this study is to investigate the role of TVET in economic and social development in Palestine through a general review of the results of local, Arab and foreign studies. On the experiences of some Arab countries that have been interested in this aspect of education such as the experience of Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Sudan, as well as the German experience and their interest in TVET. The research clarify how to benefit from these experiences in Palestine and the researchers through all of the above experiences, whether these studies are Arab or foreign.
The results are as follows:
All the results of the previous studies handeld an important topics regarding TVET, measuring their role on economic development and through which social development improves. If the economic situation improved then the social development also will be improved. As well as the reluctance of some youth’sof TVET. In some of the Arab and forigen studies the TVET is applied in school level. Lack of some institutes for the teaching of vocational and technical, and if available the capacity of it is low. Based on these results, the researchers recommend the following:
1- TVET in Palestine should be in schools, especially at the basic level.
2 – Opening more colleges and institutes to teach vocational and technical majors in different disciplines.
3- We should benefit from the Arab and international experiences in the professional and technical aspects.