موقف الأحزاب المغربية من الحرب العراقية – الإيرانية (1980– 1988م )

موقف الأحزاب المغربية من الحرب العراقية – الإيرانية (1980– 1988م )

أ.م.د. ستار محمد علاوي        

د. جنان سعدون عبد

كلية التربية / الجامعة العراقية                          


The Iran-Iraq war aroused the interest of the world, whose positions on that war varied between pro-Iraq and pro-Iran, and rejecting that war.

Among the countries that stood by Iraq in that war was the Kingdom of Morocco, represented by its King Hassan II, who stressed the dangers of continuing this war to the security, stability and interests of countries in the region. The Moroccan political parties also had the largest and most important role in their unlimited support for the government and people of Iraq in the face of Iranian aggression .


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