الولاة العباسيون ودورهم في التصدي لحملات الفاطميين على مصر(301-327هـ/914-938م)

الولاة العباسيون ودورهم في التصدي لحملات الفاطميين على مصر(301-327هـ/914-938م)

ا.م.د. ريم هادي مرهج

  جامعة ميسان /كلية التربية / قسم التاريخ


The governor of all those who assume the presidency of the country and manage its affairs, and the Prophet (peace be upon him) has established the nucleus of the administrative system of the Arab state for Islam, and then caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab (Rad) organized the state and divided it into states and then appointed workers belonging to the Caliph. The administrative system is central, in the first Abbasid era. And the public and private emirate appeared. Some deputy governors drifted to independence, and appeared in Egypt the toulonist and Ekhshidian countries, and the emergence of Obaidullahmahdi, the grandfather of the Fatimid caliphs in Morocco. A military campaign to open Egypt, after he founded his state in the city of Kairouan, the first campaign was launched in 301 Ah / 910 AD, this year caliph Obaidullah al-Mahdi prepared an army and assigned his leadership to his son and crown prince, who is in charge of God’s command, and commander Al-Kat They went to Cyrenaica, then to Cyrenaica and Al-Fayoum, but this victory did not continue, as the Abbasid caliph, who is capable of God, sent a large army led by commander Soci al-Khadem, and fought them and drove them from Egypt to the Maghreb. To open Egypt.The second campaign to open Egypt began in 306 Ah /916 AD, and also failed. Then the third Fatimid campaign to open Egypt began in 323 Ah / 933 AD during the reign of the caliph who was in charge of God, where he sent an army to Egypt, when he learned the ruler of Egypt Mohammed bin Tagaj al-Akhshid sent a military force led by his brother and the latter was able to evacuate alpha All three fatimid state campaigns against Egypt failed during the reign of caliph Obaidullah al-Mahdi, who was in charge of the Fatimid God.

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