العلاقة بين الحكومة الاتحادية وحكومة إقليم كتلونيا في إسبانيا (دراسة حالة )

العلاقة بين الحكومة الاتحادية وحكومة إقليم كتلونيا في إسبانيا (دراسة حالة )

أ.د. بشرى محمود الزوبعي

الجامعة المستنصرية


At every stage of the history of nations, different events appear that affect and withdraw on their impact. These results may be in the interest of those countries or vice versa, they may affect the independence, nature and structure of those countries, also every time a revolution, a separatist tendency or a political regime change appears quickly. What extends to include other countries, whether by an external motive, or that these countries are similar in their characteristics in terms of the structure of the political system or suffering, or similar in ambitions and goals, or with the same formative structure of the society of sects, nationalities, intellectual groups, opposition forces, or even characterized by dictatorial rule. Peoples remove these regimes, and this is what happened in the Arab Spring countries ().

Today, we hear a lot about the desire of regions to separate from the mother countries, whether they are nationalistic, economic, or ill-treated, not obtaining government representation, or complaining about the misallocation of resources, and this is what we have witnessed in the recent period of the desire to secede and form an independent state, as is the case in my referendum Iraqi Kurdistan and Catalonia in Spain.

Through the study of the data of the Kurdish issue and the Catalan issue, we notice that there is a different nationality from the nationalism of the country in which it is located, but in the Kurdish issue we notice an expansion of nationalism to cross the borders of Iraq to neighboring countries, Iran, Syria and Turkey, so the nationalist tendencies were demanding independence from the mother country. And that this issue has developed and spread like wildfire after the rise of the national tide among peoples in the mid-nineteenth century and early twentieth century.

In the Kurdish issue, it was the Treaty of Sèvres between the Ottoman Empire and the British after the end of the First World War that drew the borders of the Ottoman Empire at that time and at the same time drew the borders of Iraq and Syria while it did not bring anything to the Kurds but rather distributed them among the mentioned countries.

The problem of the two issues is that they are related to the interests of powerful states with prestige and hegemony not only in the region, but in the world, such as France and Spain in the Catalan issue, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Iraq and the Arab world that follow them.



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