أهمية الأمن الصحي في المجتمع العراقي دراسة نظرية تحليلية

أهمية الأمن الصحي في المجتمع العراقي دراسة نظرية تحليلية

الباحثة. إخلاص رضا مهدي

ا.م.د. سلوان فوزي عبد

جامعة بابل / كلية الآداب/ علم الاجتماع


The research aims to identify and evaluate the importance of health and health security in Iraqi society, because security health is likely to reveal the deficiencies and problems facing health, especially after the outbreak of the “Covid 19” epidemic, which includes changes related to economic aspects and health services, where health authorities alone cannot face the problems caused by the outbreak of this epidemic or other epidemics, but requires the cooperation of all agencies of the environment, economy, health and safety in reducing the development of these chronic diseases, because the problems caused by the spread of epidemics may affect all forms of life and pose a significant threat to the bottom of health and social safety.

Keywords: security, health, society.


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