دور الصناديق الاستثمار الوقفية في تنمية عوائد الأموال الموقوفة (الكويت نموذجا)

دور الصناديق الاستثمار الوقفية في تنمية عوائد الأموال الموقوفة (الكويت نموذجا)

حسن عمر محمد المشهداني

أ.م.د. ابراهيم اديب ابراهيم

كلية الادارة والاقتصاد / جامعة الموصل


The study addresses the role of investment in the development of endowed funds by reviewing the experiences of some Islamic countries. The study consists of three chapters. The first chapter deals with an explanation of the origins of the endowment idea and its historical roots in Islamic and Western societies, as well as some previous and contemporary experiences in this field . In addition, this chapter reviews a number of contemporary studies on the methods and mechanisms of investing endowed funds. In the second chapter, we discussed the idea of investing endowed funds by focusing on the contemporary methods within the framework of Islamic Sharia. Furthermore, this chapter touches on the most important criteria and indicators for measuring the investment efficiency and how to apply them in the field of investing endowed funds

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